Field Evaluation of Different Trap Designs and Dispenser Options for Improved Management of Cucurbit Fruit Flies
Bactrocera cucurbitae, trap types, dispenser options, combination effect, cucurbit ecosystemAbstract
The melon fruit fly, Bactrocera cucurbitae (coquillet) is an important pest on cucurbit crops in India. The performance of three trap types, each with two alternative dispenser types using cue lure as attractant was evaluated in Varnasi, India during 2018-19 kharif season. The Delta trap was more efficient than jar trap and foldable trap compared. Among the two dispenser options,the larger disc (4x4x1cm) enhanced the catches of fruit flies than the smaller disc (4x1x1cm), when kept in the Delta trap. The present results have confirmed the variation in complementarity between trap types and dispenser options for attracting fruit flies with cue lure in cucurbit crop ecosystem.
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